Sunday, 22 September 2013

Catch up time

Hey guys,

So I have to admit I have been a bit absent the past month- a lot has been happening so I thought what better than a catch up session.

After today I promise to do a weekly post on Mondays so I can keep you up to date on progress and I want to hear all about yours!

The past month has been a bit of a blurr really (here come the super honest parts). It started off with going to Bali with Aaron (my husband), we made a week gap and just took the chance for a quick holiday....
At the end of the holiday I picked up a nasty tropical bug so that left me useless/ unable to gym for about 2 weeks!! (Im not good with being told I cant do something)

Then after 2 weeks I found out I had a low grade cervical cancer so had to go in for a procedure to get rid of it... meaning another 3 weeks off- no running, biking, lower body exercises ARGGG I just couldnt believe how things were going.
Currently I have one week left of only upper body but have come to the firm conclution that the moment you really focus on a goal something will try and stop you. It may be "friends", co-workers or situations that leave you feeling a bit stuck but you know what? KEEP GOING ANYWAY!!
Just focus on what you can control- for me it is eating 100% (since no cardio) and working my upperbody to its full potential. There will always be something you can do to get past it so just focus on the goal and work hard.

In between the negatives Ive had a few shoots and a few shows coming up so ill make sure to get some pics of that for you.

I just want to leave you with a thought for this week- What would you do today if you knew you couldnt fail?

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