Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Goals goals goals!!

Goals are only dreams until you write them down.

Don't think you guys would be happy with me if that was it for today so let me elaborate. Create a goal by being specific in your dream.... Mine is to cut 20% body fat & win the Arnold Classic Class F (over 170cm) in 2015...big goal right? Breaking it down I have done a different goal month by month with big events like my first comp in May 2014 (10months away) etc...

To really be motivated by your goal you have to see it not just written down but as a picture so I watch videos & look at people who are where I want to be- not to be exactly like them but to gain inspiration- especially if I'm just about to hit the gym! I work 6 day weeks so sometimes need a help being motivated for anything but sleep :P

Your goals will also help you stay focused so you don't skip a gym day or eat meals that you shouldn't be. Here are some of the pics I use for inspiration/ goal focus.....

For my 6 day week...

Anna Starodubtseva- Won Overall bikini & was in the same class I will be (over 170cm) this is her transformation from start- 8months!

 Nina Silic- LOVE!

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